
Saturday, 30 November 2013

Sevengill Sharks South Africa

Oceans IQ were very pleased to present a talk about sevengill shark research in False Bay. OIQ affiliate Alison Kock from Shark Spotters and I chatted with with local divers and marine enthusiasts who   gave some valuable insight into their local area and the sevengill sharks (which they call 'cow sharks') in their backyard. We really enjoyed the participation of the audience and the night was a great success. 

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

From Australia to Florida to South Africa - shark research across the globe!

Hi all,

As this is my second post, I probably shouId introduce myself! I'm Adam Barnett the Director and lead scientist at OceansIQ, and I am currently a long way from my home in Cairns. 

For the next 2 months or so I am travelling to the USA and South Africa to collaborate with  researchers, see some of their work, and continue on with some current OIQ projects.

Collaboration is essential for marine biologists. It combines resources, skill sets and data from similar projects in different locations to strengthen the science and create a broader perspective for the topic at hand. It also means that we can answer questions faster and more efficiently - very important in a world with limited funding.

Monday, 25 November 2013

5 things you didn't know about the biggest coral spawning event in the world!

coral spawning great barrier reef 2013

If you meet a coral researcher this week and they look a little tired and stressed - be nice. Chances are they were working around the clock last week to make the most of the annual coral spawning on Australia' Great Barrier Reef.

Friday, 22 November 2013

How to…catch a shark by the tail, OceansIQ style.

Since we are talking about catching and tagging tiger sharks, I thought I would show everyone how to catch a tiger (shark) by the tail.

Note: don't try this at home, kids!

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Tiger Time

It's great to catch up with old acquaintances, especially if it happens unexpectedly. But it can be awkward if you have to check their tag to remember their name. Lucky for me, Tiger Sharks don't seem to care about social etiquette.

Filming a familiar Tiger Shark with the 4k Red Epic camera